COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT: Regional Planning Commission (RPC) Course No. A122A-0105: “Collecting and Using Automated Pedestrian and Bicycle Counts for Planning and Feasibility Analysis”

COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT: Regional Planning Commission (RPC) Course No. A122A-0105: “Collecting and Using Automated Pedestrian and Bicycle Counts for Planning and Feasibility Analysis”

Date and Time:
Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 9:00am – 3:00pm (Registration closed).
Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 9:00am – 3:00pm (Register:

Hybrid virtual/in-person format (see below)

Regional Planning Commission (RPC)
University of New Orleans Transportation Institute (UNOTI)
Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC)

Tara Tolford, AICP – Research Associate III – UNOTI
Julius Codjoe, Ph.D., P.E. – Special Studies Research Administrator, LTRC / LA DOTD
Karen Parsons, AICP – Principal Planner, RPC

FREE (registration limited to 30 participants per course date). Register:

Samuel Buckley [email protected]


This workshop will educate participants on key principles for collecting and employing short-range, automated demand data for walking and biking usage, as informed by findings from Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC), Project No. 16-4SA (“Pedestrians and Bicyclists Count: Developing a Statewide Multimodal Count Program”) and related studies. Consistent with relevant federal and state Complete Streets policies, the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) has recently begun incorporating automated data collection for walking and biking usage into a wider range of Stage 0 transportation planning studies, with the ultimate goal of developing and implementing standards for multimodal data collection on all projects.

This course will address the need for walking and biking data collection as identified in relevant federal, state, and local policies and findings, and the appropriate contexts for employing such data in quantifying travel demand, performing safety analysis, developing conceptual alternatives, and establishing baseline conditions for before-and-after analysis. The course will address recent findings by LTRC for automated data collection on pedestrian and bicycle activity. Attendees will gain an understanding of available count technologies and vendors, as well as appropriate applications by equipment type. Via lecture content, hands-on classroom exercises with count equipment, and fieldwork, participants will gain experience with appropriate techniques for installing, calibrating and validating count equipment.

This course will consist of a morning session from 9:00am-12:00pm, and afternoon session from 1:30pm-3:00pm. The morning session will be held virtually (via Zoom webinar) and will consist of approximately three hours of classroom content (including a lecture and course exercises). Following a break for lunch, participants will reconvene for the afternoon session at 1:30pm at Capdevielle Place Park (on Esplanade Ave at Crete St) to conduct a fieldwork exercise using count equipment. The course will conclude at approximately 3:00pm.

The target audience for this course includes planning and engineering professionals and firms conducting transportation planning work in the Greater New Orleans region. Consultants intending to submit responses to future Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) advertised by the Regional Planning Commission are strongly encouraged to attend this course.

Registration for this workshop is limited to thirty (30) participants per course date.