Formerly Giordano Furniture Warehouse New Orleans, LA
“Brownfields” are abandoned, idled, or underused industrial or commercial properties with real or perceived environmental contamination.
Brownfields are underutilized sites suffering from real or perceived environmental contamination. The RPC Brownfield Program provides funding and technical assistance to thos interested in redeveloping brownfields in the City of New Orleans and surrounding parishes.
The RPC currently administers a $600,000 assessment grant in cooperation with the Port of New Orleans and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
The goal of the brownfield program is to guide sites which are underutilized due to environmental concerns through the assessment and remediation process, and onto redevelopment.
The following is a list of completed redevelopment projects which the RPC Brownfield Program is proud to have been apart of:
Formerly Giordano Furniture Warehouse New Orleans, LA
Formerly McDonogh No. 19 Elementary School, New Orleans, LA
Formerly Falstaff Brewing, New Orleans, LA
Formerly Schwegmann’s Superstore, New Orleans, LA
Formerly St. Rose de Lima Church, New Orleans, LA
Formerly Haywilk Galvanizing, Harvey, LA
Formerly Lindy Boggs Medical Center, New Orleans, LA
Formerly Rochester Germicide Company, New Orleans, LA
Through grants from the EPA Brownfields & Land Revitalization Program, RPC offers environmental site assessments, cleanup plans, and technical assistance to facilitate the redevelopment of brownfields. Click below to learn more about brownfield funding and the brownfield process.
Public engagement is the cornerstone of our Brownfields Program. Learn more about upcoming events!
The Regional Planning Commission is the recipient of a $500,000 brownfield assessment grant from the EPA for Fiscal Years 2023-2025.
The study area for this award is the St. Bernard Commercial Corridor – from Judge Perez Drive to the Mississippi River. Priority sites include the wastewater treatment plant on the Chalmette Battlefield, and the Ford Plant in Arabi.
The page will provide project updates, photographs, meeting notes, and financial reports during the grant period.
The Regional Planning Commission looks forward to working with our partners in St. Bernard on supporting the redevelopment of brownfield sites.
Are you a property owner, developer, prospective business, lender, or developer in St. Bernard Parish? Please contact Adam Tatar to see if your project is eligible for a grant-funded Phase I or Phase II environmental assessment.
Please reach out to learn more about brownfield funds and how they can support your redevelopment goals in the Greater New Orleans area.
Sign up for the Quarterly newsletter for info on training opportunities, funding availability, and more!
Sign up for the Quarterly Brownfields Newsletter
Adam Tatar
RPC Brownfield Program Coordinator
[email protected] | 504 483 8533
Regional Planning Commission
10 Veterans Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70124