Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

What is a CEDS?

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a locally-based, regionally-driven plan for economic development. It is a planning process resulting in a document by which the public sector, working in conjunction with other economic actors (individuals, firms, industries) establishes a strategic blueprint for regional collaboration and prosperity.

Required by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) and is a cornerstone of their programs.

When is a CEDS Developed?

The CEDS and its comprehensive strategy must be updated at least every five years. The CEDS is meant to look forward and address a strategy for the next five years. The current CEDS addresses 2019 – 2023. However, background information on the economy of the region can be found in the section, ” Summary Background on the Regional Economy.”

Where does the CEDS address?

The CEDS is a regional document, addressing economic activity in the following five parishes:

  • Jefferson
  • Orleans
  • Plaquemines
  • St. Bernard
  • St. Tammany

Who Develops a CEDS?

The New Orleans Regional Planning Commission (RPC) is the designated Economic Development District (EDD) by the EDA and receives funding from the EDA to prepare and collect input on the CEDS. The CEDS is developed with the guidance of the CEDS Strategic Committee.

CEDS 2019 Executive Summary Final

CEDS 2019 Summary Update – 2022 Economic Forecast

2023 Final CEDS 2024 to 2028